Style + Organization | Capsule Wardrobe
/How to Start Your Own Capsule Wardrobe
I recently learned about capsule wardrobes and immediately became obsessed. I did days of research and decided to dive it! Here's a beginners guide to starting your own capsule wardrobe. PLEASE, enjoy & let me know any tips or tricks you have to creating your capsule wardrobe. OR if this post inspires you, let me know and keep me posted on your progress!
1. What is a capsule wardrobe? It’s a small wardrobe made up of versatile clothing items that all complement each other.
2. What is your style? Flirty, Casual, Punk, Retro, Hippy, Business, High Fashion and so on. Take the time to research different styles and determine what your current wardrobe style is and what kind of wardrobe you would like it to be. [MY WARDROBE: Casual & Flirty]
3. What is your color palette? Choose 4 to 6 colors you want to base your wardrobe off of. [MY WARDROBE: White, Cream, Grey, Navy, Light Pink & Black.]
What You’ll Need
- 40 hangers
- 1 Cardboard box
- 1 Clear plastic storage bin (I like the ones HERE because I can store it under my bed)
- 1 glass of wine
Prep to Prep Your Closet
- Do all of your laundry
- Plan a time to dedicate to your closet (No kids. No husband. No dog.)
Prep Your Closet
1. Take everything OUT of your closet. Yes. Everything. Place it all on your bed or the ground or WHATEVER! Just get it out of your closet. Your closet should now be empty and clean, this is the KEY to starting your perfect Capsule Wardrobe.
2. Sort your clothes into four Areas
- Area One (your closet): Clothes you love and feel great in.
- Area Two (a box): Maybe Clothes. This would be stuff you might not wear as often, things that don’t fit great but love and cant part with. Or anything that you love but just looks old or doesn’t fit your intended style. Don’t worry, your not going to get rid of these clothes completely. You’re going to put them in the garage. If you come to decide you want to introduce something back into your closet, you have that option! BUT in three months, whatever is left in your box will be sold or donated.
- Area Three (pile on the floor): No-No’s. Sell what you can to fund your new wardrobe & donate the rest.
- Area Four (Clear Plastic Tub): Seasonal Clothing. This is for your winter jacket or summer shorts, any of those items that don’t belong in the season we are currently in.
3. Take a look at your closet! These are the clothes you love! You should be able see your true style in your closet. I suggest pairing things down to under 40 items in your closet (tops, tees, jackets, dresses etc.) If you have more than 40, take a look at what’s in there one more time and see what can get moved to the Maybe Clothes Box.
4. Stash your box of seasonal clothes under your bed, put your maybe box in the garage & take pictures of clothes to sell or toss them in the car to take to goodwill.
Post Closet Clean Out Rules
- Learn your closet,
- Don't buy anything for three months. (GASP) I know. Three. Whole. Months. Make a list of items you think you need that would round out your closet, that way at the end of your three months you can take your list and shop. A huge part of minimizing is shopping for what you need in your closet, not shopping for what you want or what makes you feel good.
- Trust the process. Yes you'll make mistakes, but with the mistakes come learning!
Again, I hope you enjoyed! Let me know any tips or tricks you have to creating your capsule wardrobe. OR if this post inspires you, let me know and keep me posted on your progress!
How to start your own capsule closet | The Winemakers Wife | Meagan Kludt